85 Phrases: The Weather Vocabulary | Vocabulary Lesson

the weather vocabulary: Learning about the weather is fun and useful. We talk about the weather to share what’s happening outside. Let’s explore some easy phrases to describe different types of weather. Whether it’s sunny, rainy, or windy, these phrases will help you express what you see and feel. Let’s get started!”

85 Phrases: The Weather Vocabulary

Weather Vocab, Weather Vocabulary, Phrases

It’s sunny.The sun is shining, no clouds.Let’s go to the beach. It’s sunny today!
It’s cloudy.The sky is covered with clouds.I hope it doesn’t rain; it looks quite cloudy.
It’s rainy.It’s currently raining.We might need umbrellas; it’s rainy outside.
It’s snowing.Snow is falling from the sky.The kids are excited because it’s snowing.
It’s windy.There is a lot of wind blowing.Hold onto your hat; it’s really windy today.
It’s foggy.There is thick fog, reducing visibility.Drive carefully; it’s quite foggy out there.
It’s hot.The temperature is high, and it feels warm.I love summer because it’s hot, and we can go for swimming. [the weather vocabulary]
It’s cold.The temperature is low, and it feels chilly.Wear a warm jacket; it’s really cold outside.
It’s mild.The weather is moderate, with temperatures neither excessively high nor excessively low.The weather is so mild today; I enjoy days like this.
There’s a heatwave.A prolonged period of excessively hot weather.During a heatwave, it’s important to stay hydrated.
There’s a thunderstorm.A storm with thunder and lightning.Let’s stay indoors; there’s a thunderstorm approaching.
It’s drizzling.Very light rain.We can still go for a walk; it’s just drizzling a bit.
The sun is setting.The sun is going down in the evening.Look at the beautiful colors in the sky; the sun is setting.
It’s hailing.Small balls of ice are falling from the sky instead of rainThe hailstorm damaged some cars; it was unexpected.
The weather is unpredictable.It’s hard to know what the weather will be like.In spring, the weather can be unpredictable.
It’s clear.The sky is free of clouds, and visibility is excellent.The weather is clear today; we can see the mountains clearly.” [the weather vocabulary]
It’s overcast.The sky is completely covered with clouds.I prefer staying indoors when it’s overcast; it feels cozy.
There’s a breeze.A gentle wind is blowing.We should sit outside; there’s a breeze that makes it pleasant.
It’s humid.High level of moisture in the air.It’s humid, so my clothes feel sticky.
It’s damp.The air or ground is slightly wet.It’s damp outside, that’s why my clothes are taking longer to dry.
It’s muggy.Warm and humid, often with a sticky feeling.I don’t enjoy walking in the park when it’s muggy.
There’s a rainbow.An arc of many colors in the sky after the rain.I can see; there’s a beautiful rainbow. Let me take a picture of it.
It’s frosty.There is a layer of frozen dew on surfaces.Be careful; the roads might be slippery; it’s frosty outside.
There’s a drought.A prolonged period with little or no rainfall.Farmers are facing challenges due to the ongoing drought.
It’s sweltering.Extremely hot and uncomfortable.I can’t stand the heat; it’s sweltering in this weather.
There’s a gale.A very strong wind.Stay indoors; there’s a gale warning, and it’s not safe outside.
It’s blustery.Windy with strong gusts.Hold onto your hat; it’s a blustery day.
There’s a dust storm.Strong winds lift and carry dust particles.Strong winds lift and carrying dust particles.
There’s a chill in the air.It feels cold, especially with a breeze.Take a sweater with you: there’s a chill in the air this evening.
It’s oppressively hot.Extremely and uncomfortably hot.I can’t sleep; it’s oppressively hot in the bedroom. [Weather Vocabulary]
It’s drizzly.Light rain with very fine drops.An arc of many colors in the sky after the heavy rain.
There’s a downpour.A heavy and sudden rainfall.Bring an umbrella; there’s a downpour expected later.
It’s sleeting.Rain and snow mixed together.It’s not snowing, but it’s sleeting; roads might be slippery.
It’s scorching.Extremely hot, often with intense sunlight.The desert can be scorching during the daytime.
There’s a haze.Reduced visibility due to fine dust or smoke in the air.The city skyline is blurry due to the haze from wildfires.
It’s swingy.A combination of windy and showery weather.The weather can be swingy in coastal areas during the winter.
There’s a rainbow.There’s a high/low-pressure system.I can see; there’s a beautiful rainbow in the sky.
It’s balmy.Mild, pleasant, and comfortably warm.The evenings in spring are often balmy and enjoyable.
Changes in atmospheric pressure affect the weather.An arc of many colors in the sky after the heavy rain. The weather is unpredictable due to a low-pressure system. [Weather Vocabulary]
It’s stifling.Extremely hot and uncomfortable, often with a lack of air circulation.An arc of many colors in the sky after the heavily rain.
There’s a front moving in.A boundary between two air masses, often causing weather changes.A boundary between two air masses, often causes weather changes.
It’s unseasonably warm/cold.Warmer or colder than usual for the time of year.It’s unseasonably warm for December month; usually, it’s much cooler.”
It’s thundery.Weather conditions that are likely to bring thunderstorms.“Be prepared for possible power outages; it’s thundery tonight.”
There’s a high chance of precipitation.Likelihood of rain, snow, or other forms of moisture.“Take an umbrella; there’s a high chance of precipitation.”
There’s a hailstorm.Precipitation in the form of balls or lumps of ice falling from the sky.“Take cover; there’s a hailstorm outside.
It’s overcast with a chance of rain.The sky is covered with clouds, and there is a possibility of rain.“Bring an umbrella; it’s overcast with a chance of rain.”
There are scattered showers.Occasional, isolated rain showers.“The forecast predicts scattered showers throughout the day.”
It’s partly cloudy.There are some clouds in the sky, but it’s not completely overcast.“The weather is pleasant; it’s partly cloudy today.”
There’s a rainbow in the sky.An arc of colors visible in the sky after rain, caused by sunlight refracting in raindrops.“Look up; there’s a beautiful rainbow in the sky.”
It’s bone-chilling cold.Extremely cold to the point of feeling uncomfortable.“Bundle up; it’s bone-chilling cold outside.”
There’s a crisp breeze.A refreshing and cool breeze in the air.“Step outside and feel the crisp breeze; it’s invigorating.”
There’s a frost warning.A forecast indicating that temperatures may fall low enough to cause frost.“Protect your plants; there’s a frost warning tonight.”
The temperature is mild and pleasant.The weather is neither too hot nor too cold.“My husband loves the temperature is mild and pleasant day in the spring season.”
There’s a tornado watch.Conditions are favorable for the formation of tornadoes.“You must stay alert; there’s a tornado watch in effect for the area.”
It’s smoggy.Air pollution has led to reduced visibility and hazy conditions.“The city can get smoggy during rush hours.”
There’s a haze over the mountains.A thin layer of mist or smoke, often seen in hilly or mountainous areas.The morning haze over the mountains looks enchanting.”
It’s blistering hot.Extremely hot, often to an uncomfortable degree.“I can’t go for a run now; it’s blistering hot outside.”
There’s a high UV index.The level of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is high.“Wear sunscreen; there’s a high UV index today.”
It’s thundering and lightning.Audible sounds and flashes of light in the sky during a storm.“Stay indoors; it’s thundering and lightning outside.” [Weather Vocabulary]
There’s a dense fog.Thick fog, significantly reducing visibility.“Please drive carefully; there’s a dense fog blanketing the roads.”
It’s pouring.Heavy and intense rainfall.“My friend got caught in the downpour, because it’s pouring outside, causing a slight delay in his arrival today.”
There’s a rainbow after the storm.Symbolizing hope and beauty following a difficult situation.“It’s amazing to see a rainbow after the storm.
It’s a clear sky with no clouds in sight.The sky is completely free of clouds.“Tonight is perfect for stargazing; it’s a clear sky with no clouds in sight.”
There’s a weather front approaching.A boundary between two air masses, bringing changes in weather.“Expect some turbulence; there’s a weather front approaching.”
It’s oppressively humid.Extremely high levels of moisture in the air, making it uncomfortable.“The air feels thick and oppressively humid today.”
There’s a wind chill factor.The cooling effect of the wind on the perceived temperature.“Bundle up; the wind chill factor makes it feel colder.”
It’s a dry heat.High temperature without much humidity.“Although it’s hot, it’s a dry heat, which is more tolerable, so let’s go for swimming.”
There’s a coastal breeze.A cool breeze coming from the nearby ocean or sea.“Even in summer, the coastal breeze keeps the temperature pleasant.”
It’s misty.Light fog that causes a hazy or blurry appearance.“The morning is misty, creating a mysterious atmosphere.”
It’s a perfect day for a picnic.Ideal weather conditions for an outdoor picnic.“The sun is shining; it’s a perfect day for a picnic.”
There’s a meteor shower tonight.Shooting stars in the night sky.“Let’s stay up late; there’s a meteor shower tonight, it will be fun.”
It’s a scorcher.Extremely hot weather.“Be careful; it’s a scorcher out there, drink more water and stay hydrated.”
There’s a heat index warning.Elevated temperature and humidity, creating dangerous conditions.“Stay hydrated and drink water as much as you can; there’s a heat index warning for this month.”
It’s a bit nippy.Slightly cold or chilly.“You might want to wear a jacket; it’s a bit nippy outside.”

Weather vocab/vocabulary: Feel free to use these additional phrases to expand your vocabulary and confidently talk about various weather conditions in English!

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Vocabulary about Weather in English: Questions and Answers

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