101 Business English Conversation: Questions and Answers

Business English Conversation: Questions and AnswersIn this article, you will read about 100 business English questions and answers. The purpose of this lesson is to introduce you to basic questions and answers. If you are an interviewee, you can go through the list of questions that you may be asked during the interview. On the other hand, if you are an interviewer, you can learn how to answer professionally in English.

101 Business English Conversation

101 Business English Conversation: Questions and Answers

Question: 1. Where do you work?

  • Answer: I work for a teaching company.

Question: 2. What is your job title?

  • Answer: CEO.

Question: 3. Do you like your job?

  • Answer: I love my job.

Question: 4. What is your job title?

  • Answer: I love teaching my wonderful students.

Question: 5. How many days a week do you work?

  • Answer: Five to seven.

Question: 6. Do you have a boss?

  • Answer: I am my boss, but I work with my husband. Sometimes, he bosses me around.

Question: 7. What was your first job?

  • Answer: I was a waitress at the local pub.

Question: 8. What job would you never, ever do?

  • Answer: I don’t think I’d like to be a chef. It’s too much pressure.

Question: 9. Would you like a new job?

  • Answer: No, I’m really happy with this one.

Question: 10. Would you recommend your line of work to others?

  • Answer: If you enjoy teaching, then I think it’s a fabulous career path.

Question: 11. What did you do this weekend?

  • Answer: This weekend, we did a little bit of work in the morning, and then we relaxed.

Question: 12. What will you do after work?

  • Answer: Well, it’s quite late right now. I think we’ll eat dinner and go to bed.

Question: 13. How was the traffic today?

  • Answer: I didn’t drive today. I work from home.

Question: 14. When are you taking time off?

  • Answer: We are going away next month on a holiday.

Question: 15. What will you do on your holiday?

  • Answer: Relax, explore, and hopefully visit some vineyards.

Question: 16. Any plans for the weekend?

  • Answer: This weekend, it’s Easter and we’re going to see our families.

Question: 17. What will you do for lunch?

  • Answer: Normally, I have a salad for lunch.

Question: 18. Would you like to go to lunch with me?

  • Answer: With you? Every day. (chuckles)

Question: 19. Are you working late tonight?

  • Answer: Yes. I’m working unusually late tonight.

Question: 20. What time did you clock in this morning?

  • Answer: I started work at around 8:30 this morning.

Question: 21. Did you find a good parking spot?

  • Answer: I didn’t have to park. (chuckles) I work from home.

Question: 22. What time do you get home from work?

  • Answer: I normally try to finish working at around five to six o’clock.

Question: 23. How do you get to work?

  • Answer: I leave my bed, go downstairs, and sit down at the table.

Question: 24. Would you get public transport to work?

  • Answer: If I didn’t work from home, I would get public transport.

Question: 25. How are your kids?

  • Answer: I don’t have any, yet. (chuckles)

Question: 26. Do you ever work overtime?

  • Answer: Yes. I think it’s the nature of running your own business. [Business English Conversation]

Question: 27. How many meetings do you attend in a week?

  • Answer: Probably 7 to 10.

Question: 28. Did you receive training?

  • Answer: Yes. I did receive training.

Question: 29. Do you think the company is run well?

  • Answer: I hope so. (chuckles)

Question: 30. How long have you been working here?

  • Answer: I started this business in January 2016. So is that six years?
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Question: 31. Have you received a promotion?

  • Answer: No. I’ve always been the CEO. (laughs)

Question: 32. How often do you get a raise?

  • Answer: I like to pay myself slightly more each year.

Question: 33. How well do you get on with your boss?

  • Answer: With my business partner, my husband? Extremely well.

Question: 34. Do you get on with your coworkers?

  • Answer: I have a lovely team.

Question: 35. What does your average day look like?

  • Answer: I like to break up my day with exercise and dog walks.

Question: 36. Would you change anything about your daily routine?

  • Answer: Yes. I’d like slightly more free time.

Question: 37.

Do you get to travel for work?

  • Answer: Before the pandemic, I travelled quite a lot. It’s starting to pick up now.

Question: 38. What is the most challenging part of your job?

  • Answer: Receiving criticism from strangers.

Question: 39. Do you have to work at the weekends?

  • Answer: Sometimes I do. In fact, oftentimes I do.

Question: 40. Does management support you?

  • Answer: My husband is very supportive.

Question: 41. How did you find this job?

  • Answer: I think I was very lucky and a bit lost as a 21-year-old.

Question: 42. Are you interested in a full-time or a part-time position?

  • Answer: I enjoy working in a full-time position, but one day, I might like to move to a part-time position. [Business English Conversation]

Question: 43. Did you bring your CV?

  • Answer: Do you know what? I don’t have a CV or a resume. Maybe I should make one.

Question: 44. Do you have a degree?

  • Answer: Yes, I do have a degree.

Question: 45. What is your degree?

  • Answer: It is a first-class honours in marketing communications.

Question: 46. What was your last job?

  • Answer: My last job was an English teacher.

Question: 47. How long did you work there?

  • Answer: I worked as an English teacher for three years before starting my business.

Question: 48. Why did you leave your last job?

  • Answer: It was a natural progression.

Question: 49. Do you have references?

  • Answer: I’m sure I could ask some of my previous bosses for you.
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Question: 50. Do you work well with others?

  • Answer: I’d like to think I do, but I do like being alone.

Question 51: Can you work in a group setting?

  • Answer: I can, but I’d prefer not to.

Question 52: What is your biggest strength?

  • Answer: I think I’m very creative.

Question 53: What is your biggest weakness?

  • Answer: Sometimes I get a bit stressed.

Question 54: Have you always worked in the education industry?

  • Answer: No, before I was a teacher, I worked in marketing.

Question 55: Do you like to work outdoors?

  • Answer: No, because the wind makes an awful noise with my camera.

Question 56: Are you an organized person?

  • Answer: In my work life, yes. In my personal life, no.

Question 57: What are your short-term goals?

  • Answer: I would like to release a fantastic intermediate English course.

Question 58: What are your long-term goals?

  • Answer: To live a happy life.

Question 59: Why should we hire you?

  • Answer: I think I’m proactive, creative, and enthusiastic.

Question 60: When can you start?

  • Answer: Immediately!

Question 61: Are you comfortable using a computer?

  • Answer: I’m very comfortable using a computer.

Question 62: Can you use Microsoft Office?

  • Answer: Yes, I can use that quite well.

Question 63: Are you proficient in using spreadsheet software?

  • Answer: Yes, I have quite a lot of experience using spreadsheets.

Question 64: How fast can you type?

  • Answer: Very quickly!

Question 65: What other software are you familiar with?

  • Answer: You name it; I’ve probably tried it.

Question 66: Do you own a laptop?

  • Answer: I do! Grey.

Question 67: Are you comfortable using social media?

  • Answer: Oh, I guess so. [Business English Conversation]

Question 68: Have you managed a social media account?

  • Answer: Yes, I’ve managed quite a few in my time.

Question 69: Can you edit videos?

  • Answer: Yes, I started off editing my own videos.
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Question 70: Have you ever used Photoshop?

  • Answer: I have. I wouldn’t say it’s my biggest strength.

Question 71: How do you plan your days?

  • Answer: I use Google Calendar, and I put everything I need to do in it.

Question 72: How are you with time management?

  • Answer: I’m quite good; I could be better.

Question 73: Do you always meet your deadlines?

  • Answer: Not always, but I try my best.

Question 74: Are you comfortable asking for help?

  • Answer: I always ask for help.

Question 75: Do you like helping people?

  • Answer: Yes, It’s my job! (laughs)

Question 76: Do you often feel overwhelmed?

  • Answer: I sometimes feel overwhelmed, but I think I’m quite good at managing it.

Question 77: Do you consider yourself to be a good leader?

  • Answer: I’m new to being a leader, and I’m learning a lot.

Question 78: How do you balance your work and personal life?

  • Answer: With a bit of difficulty, but I’m working on it.

Question 79: How do you prioritize tasks?

  • Answer: When’s the nearest deadline?

Question 80: How do you handle stress at work?

  • Answer: I go on a dog walk, and I talk to my husband.
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Question 81: Are you optimistic?

  • Answer: I’d say I’m very optimistic, sometimes too optimistic.

Question 82: Do you enjoy public speaking?

  • Answer: I don’t enjoy the build-up, but I enjoy having done it.

Question 83: Do you finish what you start?

  • Answer: Not always. If I don’t see something as going somewhere, then why finish it?

Question 84: Would your friends describe you as trustworthy?

  • Answer: Yes, I think most of my friends would describe me as trustworthy.

Question 85: Is your personality suited for this job?

  • Answer: I think so. Otherwise, I would’ve given up.

Question 86: What makes a good friend?

  • Answer: I think good friends are people that you can go a long time without seeing, but you see each other, and it’s like no time has passed at all.

Question 87: Are you easy to anger?

  • Answer: No, but if you repeatedly disappoint me, then I will become angry.

Question 88: What makes you angry?

  • Answer: Bad customer service and overpromising and underdelivering.

Question 89: Is there an absolute right and wrong?

  • Answer: Hardly ever.

Question 90: Do you pay your bills on time?

  • Answer: I always pay my bills on time.

Question 91: Do you prefer variety or routine?

  • Answer: I like a bit of both, but probably more of a routine.

Question 92: Do you prefer to work quickly or focus on details?

  • Answer: It depends on what I’m doing, but in general, I prefer to work quickly.

Question 93: Is it ever okay to lie?

  • Answer: Yes, it’s sometimes okay to lie if it stops people from having their feelings hurt.

Question 94: What traits are important in a boss?

  • Answer: Patience, good communication skills, the ability to teach, and the ability to praise.

Question 95: What makes a good leader?

  • Answer: Somebody who leads by example.

Question 96: Who is a business leader that you admire?

  • Answer: I really admire Marcia Kilgore.

Question 97: Describe yourself in one word.

  • Answer: Happy. [Business English Conversation]

Question 98: What is your greatest achievement?

  • Answer: Creating a business that helps people around the world.

Question 99: If you could have dinner and talk with anyone, who would it be?

  • Answer: Probably Phoebe Waller-Bridge. She seems hilarious.

Question 100: If you could go back and change anything in your life, what would it be?

  • Answer: I don’t think I would change anything because I’m happy with how everything is right now.

Question 101: Your email address?

  • Answer: Email address…….

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