50 Weather Related Words in English: Weather Vocabulary

Let’s dive into the interesting world of English weather words – those words that describe the weather around us. This blog post is for anyone who loves language, is learning English, or just finds weather talk intriguing. We’ll explore the meanings of weather vocabulary words and show you how to use them in sentences that make sense.

50 Weather-Related Words: Weather Vocabulary

Weather Vocabulary

Join us on this journey to learn new weather-related words in English and make your weather descriptions more interesting!

10 Terms of weather in English with meaning and example sentences

Weather TermMeaningExample Sentence
SunnyBright with sunlightIt’s a sunny day, perfect for a picnic.
CloudyCovered with cloudsThe sky is cloudy, and it might rain later.
RainyWet with rain fallingBring an umbrella; it looks like a rainy day.
SnowyCovered with snowThe mountains are snowy in winter.
WindyHaving a lot of windIt’s windy today; be careful with your hat.
FoggyCovered with thick mistThe morning is foggy; visibility is low.
StormyCharacterized by stormsThe weather forecast predicts a stormy night.
HotHigh temperatureIt’s too hot; let’s stay indoors and cool off.
ColdLow temperatureDress warmly; it’s cold outside.
OvercastCovered with cloudsThe sky is overcast, and it might rain soon.

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More words to describe the weather in English

Weather TermMeaningExample Sentence
HazyMarked by reduced visibilityThe air is hazy; it’s difficult to see far.
ClearFree from clouds or obstructionThe sky is clear tonight, perfect for stargazing.
HumidHaving a high level of moisture in the airIt’s so humid; I feel sticky and sweaty.
MuggyHot and humidThe weather is muggy; a shower would be refreshing.
BreezyMarked by or exposed to brisk windsIt’s breezy outside, so be careful with lightweight items.
DrizzleLight rain falling in fine dropsA drizzle began, and I quickly put on my raincoat.
DownpourA heavy, drenching rainWe got caught in a sudden downpour; we’re soaked.
SleetFrozen raindropsThe weather forecast predicts sleet later in the day.
FrostIce crystals formed on a cold surfaceThere’s frost on the grass; it must be a cold morning.
ThunderstormA storm with thunder and lightningThe loud thunder scared my cat during the thunderstorm.

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Type of Rain: Common words to describe ‘Rainy Weather Vocabulary’

Rainy Weather TermMeaningExample Sentence
Light RainGentle, small raindropsIt’s just light rain, so you can still go for a walk with an umbrella.
Heavy RainIntense, substantial rainfallBe careful on the roads; there’s heavy rain, and visibility is low.
DrizzleLight, fine rainA drizzle started, so I grabbed my raincoat before going out.
Pouring RainVery heavy rain with a forceful flowI got soaked because it was pouring rain, and I forgot my umbrella.
Misty RainRain accompanied by mistThe misty rain made everything look magical and mysterious.
ShowersBrief, intermittent periods of rainThere are occasional showers throughout the day, so keep an umbrella handy.
SprinkleLight and scattered rainIt’s just a sprinkle; you might not even need an umbrella.
Torrential RainExtremely heavy and intense rainfallThe weather forecast warns of torrential rain and possible flooding.
Steady RainContinuous and consistent rainThe steady rain lasted for hours, creating puddles everywhere.
MonsoonSeasonal winds bringing heavy rainfallThe monsoon season brings much-needed rain to the region. [weather vocabulary]

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Temperatures terms: Study vocabulary for different weather conditions

Temperature TermMeaningExample Sentence
HotHigh temperatureIt’s so hot outside; I need to drink lots of water.
WarmModerately high temperatureThe weather is warm, perfect for a light jacket.
CoolModerately low temperatureThe breeze makes it feel cool, even though it’s sunny.
ColdLow temperatureBundle up; it’s cold out there, and snow is expected.
FreezingExtremely coldThe wind makes it feel freezing; wear layers.
MildPleasantly moderate temperatureIt’s a mild day, not too hot and not too cold.
ChillyUnpleasantly coldThe air is chilly; you might want a warm scarf.
Boiling HotExtremely hotThe sun is shining, and it’s boiling hot in the afternoon.
FrostyCovered with frost due to cold temperaturesThe morning is frosty, and the grass is white.
BriskCool and refreshingTake a walk in the brisk morning air; it’s invigorating.

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Types of wind: Use these words when talking about ‘Wind’

Wind TermMeaningExample Sentence
BreezeGentle windA pleasant breeze is blowing, making it a nice day for a walk.
GustThe sailors used the trade winds to navigate their ships.Hold onto your hat; a gust of wind might blow it away.
ZephyrA soft, gentle breezeThe zephyr rustled the leaves, creating a calming sound.
GaleStrong windThe gale was so powerful; it knocked over a few trees.
WhirlwindA rapidly rotating column of airA whirlwind picked up the leaves, creating a mini tornado.
DraftA current of air in a confined spaceClose the window; there’s a draft, and it’s getting chilly.
WindyHaving a lot of windIt’s a windy day, so be careful with lightweight items.
Biting WindExtremely cold and cutting windThe biting wind makes it feel colder than the actual temperature.
Trade WindsPrevailing winds in a particular directionThe sailors used the trade winds to navigate their ship.
HeadwindWind blowing directly against one’s directionRunning against a headwind can be challenging. [weather vocabulary]

Feel free to use these sentences as examples to practice and reinforce your understanding of wind-related vocabulary.

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