Global Warming IELTS Vocabulary: The Most Important Words

Global Warming IELTS Vocabulary: IELTS vocabulary lesson on climate change/ global warming. Climate change is a very popular topic for IELTS, so pay good attention to the words because these words are really useful for talking about global warming.

Vocabulary structure: I believe that, in order to really learn vocabulary, you need to know words in a deep way. So, for each word that we present:

  1. we will give you the definition, sometimes with notes but always with example sentences.
  2. we’ll give you collocations—this means words that often go together.
  3. we’ll give you an action step at the end of this lesson, something you can do to help you remember the words.

Global Warming IELTS Vocabulary

  1. Environmental
  2. Ecosystem
  3. Dispose
  4. Risk
  5. Harm

Note: You probably know some of these words, but remember, we want to learn the collocations—which words they go with together—to be able to use these words in a natural, high-level way.

1. Environmental

Definition: (adj.) Environmental is connected with the natural conditions in which people, animals, and plants live.

Related Words: environment, environmentalists, environmentally, and environmentalism.

Let’s take a look at some example sentences.

Example Sentences:

  1. Environmental issues like global warming are important policy points that politicians need to think about
  2. Governments need to be more concerned with environmental protection.


  1. environmental problems
  2. environmental policy
  3. environmental damage (is kind of close to environmental problems)
  4. environmental protection
  5. environmental issues
  6. environmental impact

These are all very high-frequency collocations. This means these are words that often go together. [global warming ielts vocabulary]

2. Ecosystem

Definition: (noun) all the plants and living creatures in a particular area considered in relation to their physical environment.

This definition is a little bit difficult, so what does it mean? It means all of the things that are living—the plants, the animals, trees, related, and how they are connected to their physical environment—the ocean, the mountains, the plains, things like that.

Example sentences:

  1. Global warming has the potential to destroy a number of irreplaceable ecosystems. (What does irreplaceable mean? Well, we see that “ir” in the beginning here—this means not. After that, we have “replaced” and “able,” so irreplaceable is not able to replace ecosystems that we can’t replace.)
  2. Deep-sea areas often have unique ecosystems and are home to a variety of fish.
  3. Working to protect endangered species and their ecosystems is a critical step for keeping our world healthy and diverse.


  1. marine ecosystem
  2. destroy an ecosystem
  3. protect an ecosystem or to protect ecosystems

3. Dispose (of)

Definition: (verb) Disposed has many different meanings, but we’re going to choose one of the meanings. And this meaning of dispose usually collocates or comes together with “of.” The definition of dispose of is to get rid of somebody or something that you do not want or cannot keep.

Related words: Disposal

Example Sentences:

  1. Disposing of garbage in an environmentally friendly way is important for combating global warming. (Combat meaning: to fight: fighting global warming or combating global warming)
  2. Because disposing of radioactive nuclear waste can be dangerous. It may not be ideal as a safe alternative energy source.


  1. dispose of (‘of’ comes together with dispose, make sure you use them together.
  2. dispose of waste, very very common.
  3. waste disposal. (if you want to say nuclear waste disposal or some other kind of waste disposal, you can do that too) [global warming ielts vocabulary]
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4. Risk

Definitions: (noun) the possibility of something bad happening at some time in the future.

Example sentences:

  1. The risk that some politicians take when they deny global warming could have large consequences for our planet’s future. (Consequences meaning: Consequences are bad things that can happen)
  2. The more pollution we create, the larger the risk of lasting consequences becomes. ( we use “consequences” again. So, consequences and risk seem to come together very often, especially when we’re talking about global warming)
  3. Not all chemicals pose a risk to human health.


  1. take a risk
  2. to be at risk or to put at risk—If something is at risk, this is the same as in danger. So, an animal maybe is close to extinction; that means there might not be any more of these animals soon. This animal is at risk.
  3. increase or reduce the risk of—this is popular with smoking—to reduce the risk of lung cancer, please do not smoke.
  4. to minimize risk is similar to minimize, means to make as small as possible, to reduce as much as you can.
  5. run the risk of—to run the risk of means you’re taking a chance that something bad could happen. For example, if we continue to pollute, we run the risk of destroying our global ecosystems. And finally,
  6. high risk—now we have high risk, low risk. One expression with high risk is high risk, high reward.
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5. Harm

Definition: (noun/verb) damage or injury that is caused by a person or an event or to cause damage.

Example sentences:

  1. many countries are choosing to improve their economy, even if they harm the environment
  2. harming the environment through using private cars rather than public transport just increases the rate of global warming.


  1. harm the environment
  2. to cause harm to
  3. to do harm.

Action Step

Your action step for this lesson is to use each word that we covered to write two sentences and post your sentences in the comments below. Be sure to use the collocations we introduced whenever you can.

Remember, collocation means words that often go together. Good luck!


You learned climate change/global warming words with the definitions and example sentences. [global warming ielts vocabulary] The words for this article were: environmental, ecosystem, disposal, risk, and harm. This is all we have for this lesson. Please try your best to remember these global warming words so that you can use them on your IELTS test. I hope you learned something from it.

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