How to Swear in British English: Swearing is a big part of British culture, and it’s not always meant to be rude! Sometimes, these words are used as jokes, to show surprise, or even to tease friends. British swear words can sound funny, strange, or shocking, but they all have their own meaning and style. In this list, you’ll learn some of the most popular British swear words and how to use them. Just remember: use these British Swearing words carefully, or you might get some funny looks!
48 Ways – How to Swear in British English

1. Arse, Arsehole
Variants of “ass” and “asshole” (noun)
Example: Stop acting like an arsehole and help me out.
2. Bastard
Illegitimate child or mongrel; objectionable fellow (noun)
Example: That bastard tricked me into paying twice!
3. Bell, Bellend
Head of a penis; fool (noun)
Example: Don’t be such a bellend, just admit you were wrong.
4. Berk
Idiot (noun)
Example: You’re acting like a total berk right now.
5. Bint
Derogatory synonym for woman (noun)
Example: That bint had no clue what she was talking about.
6. Blimey
Expression of astonishment (noun)
Example: Blimey, I wasn’t expecting that at all!
7. Blighter
Person or thing to be regarded with contempt (noun)
Example: That cheeky blighter got away with it again.
8. Bloody

Intensifier often used for emphasis (adverb)
Example: It’s a bloody miracle we made it on time.
9. Bollocks
Testicles; nonsense (noun)
Example: That’s a load of bollocks; I don’t believe it.
10. Bugger
Sodomite; jerk; silly fool (noun)
Example: He’s a cheeky little bugger, isn’t he?
11. Cad
Untrustable person (noun)
Example: Only a cad would abandon their friends like that.
12. Cack
Shit (noun)
Example: I stepped in some dog cack earlier.
13. Chav
Working-class person with an urban sporty style (noun)
Example: That group of chavs is always hanging out by the shop.
14. Cobblers
Nonsense (noun)
Example: What a load of cobblers, I don’t believe a word.
15. Cock-up
Snafu (noun)
Example: That meeting was a complete cock-up.
16. Codger
An old man, often grumpy (noun)
Example: The old codger next door is always yelling at the kids.
17. Crikey
Expression of astonishment. Synonym for Christ (noun)
Example: Crikey, that’s a big spider!
18. Cunt
Vagina; an unpleasant or stupid person (noun)
Example: That cunt cut me off in traffic today.
19. Dickhead
A stupid, irritating person (noun)
Example: Stop being such a dickhead and listen to me.
20. Duffer
Elderly idiot (noun)
Example: The old duffer can’t even remember his own address.
21. Feck
Milder Irish variant of fuck (verb)
Example: I don’t give a feck what he says.
22. Git
Someone who has won one over on you (noun)
Example: That git tricked me into buying a fake ticket.
23. Gordon Bennett
Variant on “Gorblimey!” and “Jesus Christ!” (noun)
Example: Gordon Bennett, that was close!
24. Gormless
Dim (adjective)
Example: Don’t act so gormless, it’s an easy question.
25. Knob, Knobend, Knobhead, Knobber
A stupid, irritating person (noun)
Example: He’s such a knobhead, he can’t take anything seriously.
26. Manky
Worthless, disgusting (adjective)
Example: That old coat is looking a bit manky now.
27. Minger
A very unattractive person or thing (noun)
Example: That dress is such a minger, throw it out!
28. Minging
Foul, disgusting, worthless (adjective)
Example: This food smells absolutely minging.
29. Munter
Unattractive woman (noun)
Example: She’s a bit of a munter, isn’t she?
30. Naff
Tasteless, crap (adjective)
Example: Those shoes look so naff, I wouldn’t wear them.
31. Numpty
Scottish idiot (noun)
Example: That numpty forgot the tickets at home!
32. Nutter
Crazy person (noun)
Example: Stay away from him; he’s a proper nutter.
33. Pillock
Idiot (noun)
Example: Don’t be such a pillock, just admit you’re wrong.
34. Pish
Scottish piss (noun)
Example: That movie was total pish, don’t waste your time.
35. Pissed Off
Angry (adjective)
Example: I’m so pissed off about how they treated me.
36. Plonker
Annoying idiot (noun)
Example: You absolute plonker, you locked the keys inside!
37. Poxy
Riddled with pox; crappy (adjective)
Example: This poxy phone never works properly.
38. Prat
Idiot (noun)
Example: He’s acting like a right prat again.
39. Rotter
Person to be regarded with contempt (noun)
Example: That rotter left without paying the bill.
40. Scrubber
Promiscuous woman (noun)
Example: She’s a well-known scrubber around here.
41. Shite
Variant of shit (noun)
Example: This weather is absolute shite.
42. Swine
Person to be regarded with contempt (noun)
Example: That swine took the last slice of cake!
43. Taking the Piss/Mick/Michael
Taking liberties, making fun of (phrase)
Example: Are you taking the piss, or are you serious?
44. Tosser
Masturbator; despicable person (noun)
Example: He’s such a tosser, always making stupid jokes.
45. Tuss
Cornish idiot (noun)
Example: Don’t act like a tuss, it’s embarrassing.
46. Twat
Vagina; rotter. Milder synonym for cunt (noun)
Example: He called me a twat for no reason at all.
47. Wally
Fool (noun)
Example: You look like a proper wally in that hat.
48. Wanker
Masturbator; despicable person (noun)
Example: He’s nothing but a lazy wanker who won’t get a job.
This was the list of British Swearing words [how to swear in British]
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