12 Essential Phrases with ‘Once’

Phrases with once: Learning new phrases is one of the best ways to improve your English. In this lesson, you will learn 12 common English phrases with the word once. These phrases are used in everyday life by native speakers, so learning them will help you sound more natural when you speak English. Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate learner, this lesson is designed to help you understand and use these phrases in the right way. You will see the meanings and examples for each phrase so that you can practice and feel confident when using them.

Why is this lesson important? Phrases like at once or once in a while are not only common but also very useful for conversations. Sometimes, one phrase can have more than one meaning, and knowing this will help you avoid confusion. These phrases also make your speaking and writing more interesting. For example, instead of saying “sometimes,” you can say once in a while, and it sounds more natural. This lesson will also help you understand these phrases when you hear them in movies, books, or when talking with friends.

Finally, this lesson is easy to follow. Each phrase is explained clearly, and there are examples to show how to use them in real-life situations. You can learn these phrases step by step, practice them, and even try making your own sentences. By the end of this lesson, you will have 12 new phrases to use in your daily conversations. So, let’s get started and learn how to use these once phrases to sound more fluent and confident in English!

What does “once” mean?

what does once mean in english

The word once means “one time” or “at a single time.” It can be used in different ways, depending on the context. Here are a few examples to understand its basic meaning:

  • I’ve been to Paris once. (one time in my life)
  • Once you finish your homework, you can play games. (as soon as something happens)

In this lesson, we’ll explore common phrases and expressions with once, their meanings, and examples to help you use them confidently.

12 English Phrases with Once

12 Must Know Phrases with Once to Boost Your English 2

1. All at once

Meaning: Suddenly and unexpectedly.

  • All at once, there was a loud crashing sound.

2. At once

  1. Meaning: Immediately or without delay.
    • When I saw him, I recognized him at once.
  2. Meaning: At the same time.
    • I can’t do two things at once!

3. (Just) for once

Meaning: Used when something happens that does not usually happen.

  • For once, Colin was speechless.
  • Just for once, he arrived on time.

4. Once a…, always a…

Meaning: Spoken phrase used to say that somebody cannot change.

  • Once a thief, always a thief.
  • Once an actor, always an actor.

Also Read: 50 Words & Phrases to Describe Someone You Love

5. Once again

Meaning: Once more, one more time, or another time.

  • Once again, the train was late.
  • The fair was once again a tremendous success.

6. Once and for all

  1. Meaning: Completely and in a way that will finally solve a problem.
    • We need to settle this once and for all.
  2. Meaning: UK spoken – used to emphasize your impatience when you ask or say something that you have asked or said many times before.
    • Once and for all, will you be quiet!

7. Once bitten, twice shy

Meaning: Used to say that if you have failed or been hurt once, you will be more careful next time.

  • After Harry was sick on the rollercoaster, I don’t think he’ll go on one again—once bitten, twice shy!

8. (Every) once in a while

Meaning: Sometimes but not often.

  • We meet for lunch once in a while.
  • Make sure you take a break every once in a while.

Also Read: 61 Transition Words and Phrases in English

9. Once too often

Meaning: Doing something repeatedly until it causes trouble.

  • He tried that trick once too often, and in the end, they caught him.

10. The once (UK Informal)

Meaning: On one single occasion.

  • He only did it the once.
  • I’ve only played rugby the once, and I never want to play it again.

11. (Just) this once

Meaning: Used to emphasize that something will happen only this time.

  • Go on, lend me the car, just this once.
  • I’ll make an exception this once.

12. Once-over

Meaning: To look at and examine something or someone quickly.

  • She gave the room a quick once-over before the guests arrived.

Also Read: 20 British Phrases And Expressions

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