Test Your Knowledge of Homophone Sentences

Homophone Sentences: Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. They can be a bit tricky, but understanding them helps improve your language skills. In this collection, you’ll find 20 sentences, each with two words that sound alike. Your task is to figure out the correct word in each case.

Test Your Knowledge of Homophone Sentences

It’s a fun way to practice and get better at telling similar-sounding words apart. So, let’s dive in and have some language-learning fun!

List of Homophone Sentences

  1. The chef used a sharp _ to cut the vegetables.
    (knife, nigh)
  2. My cat loves to _ in the warm rays of the sun.
    (lie, lyre)
  3. The teacher asked us to _ a story using the prompts she gave us.
    (write, right)
  4. I need to _ my shoes because there’s a hole in the sole.
    (heel, heal)
  5. Can you _ me if you find my lost keys?
    (cite, sight)
  6. The soccer player tried to _ the ball into the goal.
    (kicked, kicked)
  7. The __ of the mountain was covered in snow.
    (peak, peek)
  8. I’m going to _ a cake for my friends _.
    (bake, birthday)
  9. The _ on the farm was very muddy after the rain.
    (rows, rose)
  10. She didn’t _ to my text, so I guess she’s busy.
    (reply, rye)
  11. The _ opened the door and found a mess inside.
    (maid, made)
  12. I _ the book, but I don’t remember the title.
    (know, no)
  13. The _ on the lake was so serene that day.
    (scene, seen)
  14. The _ of the play was very _.
    (actor, attractive)
  15. I always _ my keys on the same table.
    (place, place)
  16. The _ in the forest were dressed with colorful leaves.
    (trees, tr ease)
  17. The _ on the beach was perfect for a tan.
    (sun, son)
  18. The _ of the car was stuck, so we couldn’t move.
    (brake, break)
  19. The _ of the river was flowing swiftly.
    (current, current)
  20. The _ tree was full of fruits.
    (pair, pear)
Must Read: Homophones Made Simple (Definition, Usage, and Example sentences)


  1. The chef used a sharp knife to cut the vegetables.
  2. My cat loves to lie in the warm rays of the sun.
  3. The teacher asked us to write a story using the prompts she gave us.
  4. I need to heel my shoes because there’s a hole in the sole.
  5. Can you cite me if you find my lost keys?
  6. The soccer player tried to kick the ball into the goal.
  7. The peak of the mountain was covered in snow.
  8. I’m going to bake a cake for my friend’s birthday.
  9. The rows on the farm were very muddy after the rain.
  10. She didn’t reply to my text, so I guess she’s busy.
  11. The maid opened the door and found a mess inside.
  12. I know the book, but I don’t remember the title.
  13. The scene on the lake was so serene that day.
  14. The actors in the play were very attractive.
  15. I always place my keys in the same place.
  16. The trees in the forest were dressed with colorful leaves.
  17. The sun on the beach was perfect for a tan.
  18. The brake of the car was stuck, so we couldn’t move.
  19. The current of the river was flowing swiftly.
  20. The pear tree was full of fruit. [Homophone Sentences]

Also Read: How to be Good at English Pronunciation

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