Writing Task 2 Introduction Starting Lines: 3 Sentences

Writing Task 2 Introduction Starting Lines: Writing a perfect introduction for the IELTS writing task 2 plays a very important role. But most of the students find it difficult. So in this article, I will teach you how you can write IELTS writing task 2 introduction easily and effectively in a short time. There are a total of five types of questions in the IELTS writing module. I will guide you on how you can apply this introduction formula to all types of IELTS writing questions

Writing Task 2 Introduction Starting Lines

In this lesson, you will be reading about the three-step introduction formula that applies to writing an introduction for every single IELTS writing task 2 question you get. This formula is very simple and effective. simple and effective. So, the three steps are:

  1. Neutral Background sentence
  2. Rewrite the Question
  3. This essay will…

What and How to write in IELTS writing task 2 Introduction

1. First sentence

The first sentence you want to write of every introduction for any essay question type is a neutral background sentence. I’ll show you what that means in a second. I’m going to go through and show you how to apply this introduction to every single question type.

The first sentence of your introduction is the neutral background sentence. It’s broad, and what ‘neutral’ means is that it does not have an opinion. No opinion, it’s just a background sentence on the topic.

2. Rewrite or paraphrase the question

The second sentence is where you rewrite the question in your own words.

You need to rewrite the question. You’re getting closer now to the topic. You rewrite the question.

3. Start with a phrase

In the third sentence, you use this phrase, which is ‘this essay will,’ and you tell the reader what you will tell them.

So, what we’re going to do is we’re going to apply this introductory three-step framework to all of these IELTS essay types:

  • the problem-solution
  • double question
  • agree/disagree
  • discuss both views
  • discuss both views and give your opinion
  • advantages/disadvantages
  • advantages/disadvantages, and give your opinion.

How to Write IELTS Introduction for Problem/Solution

Let’s look at problems and solutions first. So, imagine this is what you see on test day, okay? It says:

Every year, more and more students choose to study online rather than attend classes on campus. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

So, you need to be able to write the introduction of your essay in a very short time. You need to know how to do it. [Writing Task 2 Introduction Starting Lines]

1. Neutral background sentence

Let’s have a look at the neutral background sentence:

Studying online is becoming increasingly popular.’

This sentence is a neutral background sentence.

2. Rewrite the Question

Now, I rewrite the question in my own words. So, here question prompt says:

Question: ‘Every year, more and more students choose to study online rather than attend classes on campus.’

I wrote:

Each year, more students opt to study online as opposed to attending classes on campus.’

3. This essay will…

The third sentence, because this is the problem-solutions question:

‘This essay will discuss the reasons why this is happening and put forward several solutions for this issue.’

How to Write IELTS Introduction for Double Question

First, read the IELTS writing task 2 prompt for a double type of question. It says:

‘Every year, more and more students choose to study online rather than attend classes on campus. Why do students prefer to study online? What can universities do to attract students to study on campus?’

1. Neutral background sentence

Studying online is becoming increasingly popular.’

Well, we need a broad neutral background sentence. ‘There’s no opinion in there, it’s just a background sentence.

2. Rewrite the question

‘Each year, more students opt to study online as opposed to attending classes on campus.’

3. This essay will …

This essay will discuss why students prefer studying online and provide options for how universities can bring them back to campus.’

This essay will discuss, The reason for studying study online and what strategies universities adopt to attract students to study on campus. [Writing Task 2 Introduction Starting Lines]

How to Write an Introduction for Agree/Disagree Essay

This time, we’ll apply our there sentence writing task 2 formula to agree and disagree type of question.

‘Studying online is far more effective than studying on campus. To what extent do you agree or disagree?’

1. Neutral background sentence

‘The effectiveness of studying online is debatable.’

There’s the question on top, broad background neutral statement.

2. Rewrite the question :

Well, what’s the question? The IELTS writing task 2 prompt says:

‘Studying online is far more effective than studying on campus.’

We will rewrite it like this: ‘Some people believe that it is much more effective than traditional classroom-based learning.’

3. This essay will discuss…

This essay will discuss why online study is far more effective than campus-based study.’

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How to Write an Introduction for Discuss Both Views Essay

I must say, my three-sentence introduction. It works every time like a little Jim 3-step introduction. Neutral background sentence, rewrite the question.

‘Some people think studying on campus is the most effective way to learn, while others believe that studying online is more effective. Discuss both views, don’t give your opinion.’1.

1. Neutral background sentence

This is what I said:

‘The effectiveness of studying online is debatable.’

2. Rewrite the question

‘Some people believe that it is much more effective than traditional classroom-based learning, while others do not.’

3. This essay will discuss …

‘This essay will discuss both sides of the argument in detail.’

How To Write IELTS Introduction For Discuss Both Views + Give Opinion

So it’s exactly the same “discuss both views” type of question but this time there’s a little phrase here that says, ‘and give your opinion.‘ So the third sentence is going to change. Sp the IELTS writing task 2 prompt says:

‘Some people think studying on campus is the most effective way to learn while others believe that studying online is more effective. Discuss both views and give your opinion.’

1. Neutral background sentence

‘The effectiveness of studying online is debatable.’

2. Rewrite the question:

‘Some people believe that it is much more effective than traditional classroom-based learning, while others do not.’

3. This essay will discuss…

This time, this essay will discuss both sides of the argument in detail and provide evidence as to why online learning is superior.

You can see that I’ve got this opinion part there as well. So, I’m going to discuss both views and I’m going to give my opinion.

So that third sentence is really critical because what the third sentence does is, you start off with the broad background neutral statement, you rewrite the question in your own words, that third sentence sets the trajectory for your essay. This essay reader will discuss whatever it is and then, of course, in your following paragraphs, you follow up on that third sentence. This is how you write a logical, coherent essay that flows. [Writing Task 2 Introduction Starting Lines]

How To Write IELTS Introduction For Advantages/Disadvantages

Let’s write a step introduction for IELTS writing advantages and disadvantages type of question.

‘Some people think studying online is more effective than studying on campus. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying online?’

1. Neutral background sentence

Fine, so again, I’ve used a broad background one here:

‘The effectiveness of studying online is debatable.’

2. Rewrite the question

Question prompt: Some people think studying online is more effective than studying on campus.

Rewritten prompt: Some people believe that it is much more effective than traditional classroom-based learning, while others do not.

3. This essay will discuss…

The question says: discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

Written sentence: This essay will discuss the positive and negative aspects of online study.

How To Write Introduction For Advantages/Disadvantages + Opinion

Let’s do another one with a three-step introduction formula. This essay will, let’s do the advantages and disadvantages plus opinion. This is the final one.

‘Some people think studying online is more effective than studying on campus. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of studying online and give your opinion about which one is best.

So it’s not just both sides, the advantages and disadvantages, it’s also your opinion.

1. Nuatral background sentence

‘The effectiveness of studying online is debatable.’

2. Rewrite the question

‘Some people believe that it is much more effective than traditional classroom-based learning while others do not.’

The first and second points are the same as the previous one. But this time, you are asked to add your opinion. So, we will write the third point like this:

3. This essay will discuss…

This essay will discuss the positive and negative aspects of online study and argue why studying online is superior.

Because it asked me which one is best. Fine, last one, advantages, disadvantages, as an opinion.

How To Write Introduction For Advantages Outweigh the Disadvantages Essay

This one is the question that asks you this: ‘Do you think the advantages of studying online outweigh the disadvantages?’ So, the prompt is:

‘Each year more and more students choose to study online. Do you think the advantages of studying online outweigh the disadvantages?’

It says each year more and more students choose to study online, so this is not about effectiveness, this is about popularity, increasing popularity. Do you think the advantages of studying online outweigh the disadvantages?

1. Neutral background sentence

So, my broad background neutral sentence is based on this, and it’s about popularity.

Studying online is becoming increasingly popular.’

2. Rewrite the question

‘While studying online does have some deficits, these are negligible compared to the benefits.’

because it’s talking about the advantages here, so I’ve rewritten that part.

3. This essay will discuss…

But my final sentence. So, what did it ask me? It said, ‘Do you think the advantages of studying online outweigh the disadvantages?’

‘This essay will discuss why the advantages of studying online do, in fact, outweigh the disadvantages.’

I’ve actually just used language from there directly. So I wrote ‘why’ instead of ‘outweigh’ You can write this in your own words, that would be fine.


This was the three-sentence introduction: broad background neutral statement, rewrite or paraphrase the question, and guiding the third sentence. [Writing Task 2 Introduction Starting Lines] I described how you can write the IELTS writing task 2 introduction for all question types such as: agree or disagree, double question type, advantages/ disadvantages question and give your onion type of question. let me summarize our the-sentence introduction formula:

  • Always make sure you read the prompt to write down your background statement related directly to the prompt.
  • Then, in the Second sentence, rewrite the question in your own words. You can use some words directly from the prompt, you don’t have to change every word into a synonym.
  • The third sentence is the critical one. This essay will, and I like the word ‘discuss,’ personally, it just works for every essay. This essay will discuss, whatever. Okay, so make sure you read that question carefully.

If you need any specific lesson on IELTS writing task 2. Please write it down in the comment section below.

And, tell us did you find the 3-step introduction formula useful or not?

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